We are one in the Spirit


May 23, 2008

My appeal

If you understand Nepali language, please read nepali medium writings below to know a little bit about why Christ came to this world. Other most important most important website that explains the four steps to God which you need to know is http://www.jesus2020.com/ .
May I request you to visit this website. Please click here

Apr 9, 2008

What Jesus said about himself

Jesus said :
"I am the Bread of life" John 6:35
"I am the Light of the World" John 8:12
"I am the gate for the sheep John" 7:10
"I am the Good Shepherd John" 10:11,14
"I am the Resurrection and the life John" 11:25
"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life" John 14:6
"I am the true Vine" John 15:1
Living things fruits and grains are our main foods that make us possible our body live, grow and matured. But these foods do not make us live forever so we are mortal. But the heavenly food that is in spiritual we eat gives us eternal life. We live forever if we eat the bread of life that comes from Jesus Christ only. Our food comes from trees so as spiritual food comes from Jesus christ that gives us life causing us enter into eternal life.

Receive Jesus as your Savior

Every man is seeking happiness and fulfilment in life, but the Bible teaches that there is only one way to experience true happiness and complete fulfilment in life - that is knowing and following, God's plan. Following steps will help you know how to get salvation for your life.
1> God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
God loves you unconditionally.He came on earth to save man from our sin.
2> We all are sinner ( Rom 2:23) so we can not experince God's love and plan for our life. Sin is seperating us from God.
3> The penalty of sin is eternal hell ( Rom 6:23)
4> Jesus bore our penalty for sin on the cross ( 1 Pet. 2:24)
5> Receive Jesus and you will be saved ( John 1: 12) You can go to heaven through Jesus only. Jesus is God's only provision for man's sin. Through him you can know and experince God's love and plan for your life. If you wish to save your life receive Jesus personally.
"There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which can not bve satisfied vby any created thing, but only by God, the creator, made known through Jesus Christ." Pascal

To know more to receive Christ as your personal Savior email us

Mar 14, 2008

हामी कीन पापी छौ?

जब परमेस्वरले मानीसलाई सृजनुभयो उसलाई पृथ्वीका सबै सृस्टी माथी अधिकार गर्ने शक्ती दीनुभयो तर मानीसलाई पर्मेस्वरले एउटा आग्या दीनुभएकोथीयो जून भंग गरेमा मानीस परमेस्वर देखी अलग हुनेथियो, जस्लाई बाइबलले पाप भंदछ/सैतानको छल द्वारा मानीसले परमेस्वरको आग्या भंगा गर्यो र त्यसपछी उसले परमेस्वरको महिमा र संगती देखी अलग हुनुपर्यो/. त्यसिदन देखी यो संसारमा पापको ़्पर्बेस भयो र सैतानको राज यो संसारमा भयो.
मानीस पापी हुनुको तीन कारणharu?
+पहीलो मानीसको अनाग्याकारीताले मानीसमा पाप आयो./ यो मानीसको दोष थीयो.
+दोस्रों, पहीलो मानीसको संतान,हामी सबै मानीसमा, बंसानुगत पाप छ अर्थात हामी स्वभाबैले पापी छौ. +तेस्रो कुरा यो संसारमा अब सैतानको राज भएकोले हामी सबैले ब्यक्तीगतरुपमा पाप गर्दछौ. सैतानको उद्देसे मानिसलाई नास गर्नु हो. येसकारण बाइबलले भंदछ, कोही मानीस धर्मी छैन र सबैले पाप गरेका छन. † पापको ज्याला मृत्यु हो. ( रोमी ६:२३). मृत्यु भनेको परमेस्वर्देखी अलग हनु हो. † पापैको कारानले मानीसले परमेस्वरको पेर्म र योजना थाहा पाउन सक्दैन/

† मानीसको पापकोबाब्जुत पनी मानीसलाई परमेस्वरले मानीसलाई त्याग्नुभएन. उहाले मानीसलाई सैतानको सकती नरक बाट बचाउनको नीम्ती सधैभरी जीबीत रहने जीबन मानिसलाई दीनको नीम्ती यो संसारमा मुक्तीदाता ( येसु) पठाउने योजना गर्नुभयो. येसु खृस्ट आउनेबारे भिबस्यबानी भएको पुस्तक पुरानो नीयम बाइबल हो.

परमेस्वरको योजना अनुसार यो संसार्मा येसु
खृस्ट आउनुभयो हाम्रो पापको नीम्ती एकपटक सदाको नीम्ती बलिदान्हुनुभयो.
हामी प्रत्येक्ले येसु
खृस्टलाई आफ्नो ब्य्क्तीगत प्रभु मुक्तीदाता भनी ग्रहन गर्यौ भने परमेस्वरले हाम्रो पाप छेमा गर्नुहुन्छ हामी अनन्त जीबन पाउदछौ. येसुले भन्नुभएकोछ “ बाटो,सत्य जीबन म नै हु, म बाहेक अरु कोहीद्वारा पीता कहाँ जान सक्दैन.” यहुन्ना १४ :६
खृस्टलाई तपाइले अहीलेनै प्राथना गरेर ग्रहन गर्ना सक्नुहुन्छ उहा तपाइको जीबनमा आउनुहुन्छ.

अधिक जानकारीकोलागी
तपाइको नाम फ़ोन नम्बर दीनुहोला. हामी तपाइलाई बताउनेछौ. हाम्रो ईमेल:

Mar 8, 2008

Thanks to KU “Dobhase” for making possible English translation to Nepali.

KU has launched online dictionary for English to Nepali translation. To translate English to Nepali use the following link:


It translates any English word or sentence and webpage.

For Hindi to English translation or English to hindi translation, following are the link of the Dictionary.




These are Hindi English Dictionary and may be useful for Nepali speaking people too.

Webster's Online Dictionary
with Multilingual Thesaurus Translation

Feb 27, 2008

Portable Applications Free software

Portable Applications ( we do not need to install them)
Portable application softwares do not need to be installed on computer. Therefore these applications can be run off through portable hard disk, CDs, DVDs, memory cards and USB flash drives. Therefore we can copy them and take them in the portable hard disk, CDs, DVDs, memory cards and USB flash drives and can be used in Computer without installing them.
Some of the free portable application can be find in
Anti-spyware tools:

Feb 15, 2008

Search all Popular Sites you need using GOOGLE



परमेस्वरको बचन

बेमलमा मेल ल्याउछ
क्रोधमा शांति
आगोमा पानी जस्तो
मनमा क्रांति

फुटेकोलाई जोड्छ
फाटेको सिलाउछ
परमेस्वरको को बचन
सबैलाई मीलाउछ

निरासमा आशा
कम्जोरिमा साहस
अल्मलमा बाटो
अन्धकारमा ज्योती
जीबनको रोटी

बाच्नको लागी सहारा
सत्रृबाट बाच्ना कडा पहरा
सबैलाई समान
मूर्ख पनी बन्छ सजन
कतीअनौठो सरल